Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October 8, 2009

Yesterday was rough. It started out okay. I managed to find two socks that matched. In my house, this is a major victory.

But they were unruly socks. They were socks that did not want to be worn. And they made me very cranky.

So, at lunch, I went to the store and bought new socks. Those of you who know me well know that I DO NOT NEED any more socks. I used to work in a sock store, for crying out loud. 

Which is probably part of the reason those unruly socks made me so mad. They were top of the line. You know, the fancy ones with the bright yellow toes. But they wanted to twist around and slide down in my shoes and misbehave.

But I got new socks and changed them out in the parking lot and it was like I could start my day all over again. Is there really, truly anything better than a new pair of socks?

October is usually about the time I start looking for new wool socks. I haven't quite made it that far yet, but I will soon. There's a new sock store in town that I need to get to as soon as I can. 

I'm also trying to knit socks but so far, they're just a hideous mess. But the yarn is really gorgeous. It came from here. And yes, I know I can get socks at Wally World for $2, but what's the fun in that?

Put yer silly sandals away. It's October. Go put your socks on.

1 comment:

  1. Omigod! Can I just say that I live within walking distance of that new store, and I STILL haven't been there! *smacking self in head* Thanks for reminding me. Perhaps tomorrow. Tonight is new shoes night. I've decided.
