Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 20, 2010

Apparently, our friend Steve is an actual urban legend. Maybe this is super-lazy of me, but I'm just going to cut and paste what he sent me today.

I actually was the recipient of a razor blade in the candy bar. It was a bite size snickers. Someone had unwrapped it from the end so you couldn't tell and slid the thing in flat through the end of the bar so unless you were really checking, you wouldn't catch it. But those bastards didn't know my Mom. Her Halloween Rule (She Who Must Be Obeyed) was that you did NOT eat any collected candy until you got home and SHE checked it out. Nada. And she always made sure there was at least one snitch in the group if you were trick or treating with friends. So, you didn't cheat. I was about nine I guess. Got home, dumped the haul on the dining room table and she went to work, checking for anything untoward. I remember the gasp from her and her telling my Grandmother, LOOK AT THIS!! Sure enough. There was an actual mini Snickers with a razor blade slid right into it. I still remember how evil that thing looked all covered in chocolate. Just waiting for some me to bite down.....

Mom called the police but I'd gone to so many houses, I had no idea where it came from. The cops took it and I guess did a search to see if they could find where it came from. I never heard anything else about it. But I had a lot more respect for my Mom's caution after that.

This is not one of those Snopes deals that can be looked up and disproved because it came from a friend of a friend of your next door neighbor's college roommate's girlfriend's boss's cousin. This is from Steve. Steve is One of Us.

And kudos to his mom.

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