Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October 7, 2010

We got started talking about superstitions today at work. Is there any time of year more prone to superstition than October?

Melissa says that her grandmother would look at her chipped nails and tell her that someone is jealous of her. She also says you shouldn't sweep with a broom after dark.

Branon wouldn't play football without a rubber band around his wrist. And he had a number of other little rituals for various sports he played.

Amanda says that if you hit your funny bone, it's bad luck to rub it.

In my house, we don't sew on Sundays. My mom tried once. It did not go well.

There are a billion others out there. Betcha don't walk under a ladder without thinking twice about it. No hats on the bed, no shoes on the table. Walking into a spider web, while sticky and problematic, is good luck.

What are your superstitions?

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