Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 16, 2009

I've been writing these for a long time, but I still hesitate to invite anyone new into our circle. There's always the possibility that someone new might think I'm completely insane.

Perhaps I am. On a yearly basis. For 31 days in the fall.

It's this time of year that one of two things happens: I either start to see things differently, or I start to see things. I'm not entirely sure which.

A tree branch twisting in the wind under the pale moonlight becomes the arm of some monstrous creature that must be avoided at all costs.

That dog barking down the block? That might be a werewolf.

I'm pretty sure I saw a witch on the skybridge when I was going from my awful lab class back to the parking garage earlier tonight.

The problem here is that I know that this is not entirely my fault. This is genetic.

In the backyard, there's a plastic bag that the winds brought in and got stuck in a tree. My mother is convinced it was put there by a creature she calls the King Rat for some nefarious purpose. Neither of us is sure what that purpose is, nor have we gone out to take the bag out of the tree. King Rat might be out there. Waiting.

It is during this time of year that I feel most sorry for people who have grown up. When you grown up, you slowly lose your imagination. Thankfully, part of me will always be seven years old and scared silly by a Frankenstein mask affixed to an coatrack wearing an old raincoat. 


  1. I finally figured out that I did have an account here. And once I figured out how to access it, I found a series of blogs that I did four years ago. That's scary in and of itself. But as for October, I'm not sure how long you and I have been reading and commenting on each other's work but I've enjoyed and continue to enjoy the process.

  2. Whoops. That comment is by the entity you heretofore have known as Sundance. Or that other dude....LOL
