Friday, October 2, 2009

October 3, 2009

As was pointed out to me by some wacko I talked to on the phone today, the full moon is coming up Sunday. She would know. 

This full moon is unusual as it is designated the "Full Harvest Moon". The FHM is the full moon that occurs closest to the autumnal equinox and usually falls in late September. This October Full Harvest Moon will not happen again until 2017. The full moon that usually falls in October is the Hunter's Moon (which will be in November this year). Happy hunting. Or harvesting. Or whatever. 

The full moon brings something out in all of us. There's something wild, something primal that is triggered by her light. It is the light of the full moon that trigger's the wolf's howl and the change of man to werewolf. 

And the moon has long been tied to the earth-based religions. says,"This is a time when the Moon is at its most powerful, and the magic most potent. Performing any positive spell at this time will achieve good results. This is the ideal time for healing, guidance and completion spells." As a general rule, I don't cast spells. I know people who do, or who have, but I wouldn't trouble them for whatever trivial matters I might have. Happily, I can report that there's a service on the web who will cast your full moon spells for you for a fee:

We attribute evil and darkness to the full moon, especially at this time of year. I think it's simply because it casts more light and makes it easier for us to go out and cause trouble. And because there's more light, we're more apt to get caught. Funny that.


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